ROANOKE, Va. – While much of the state began to reopen Friday, many churches in southwest Virginia choose to wait a little longer.

Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg is planning to open on May 24.

They’ll be hosting three services instead of two and greeters will be wearing masks. There’s also an online registration for services.

CommUNITY Church in Salem will open on May 31 with several changes as well.

“We’ve got floor stickers reminding everyone to keep their distance. We have hand sanitizers at every entrance and every exit. We’re going to have the signage required by the governor and the CDC in place. Everything’s going to be touchless," said Pastor Tom McCracken.

“We’ve got a pretty robust plan in place. We’re going above and beyond, not only in an effort to comply but to make sure that our congregation feels comfortable and safe," Thomas Road Baptist Church Worship Pastor Scott Bullman said.

Both said the pandemic has been a learning experience and some of the changes that have been made may be around for good.