Don’t force landlords to
stop investing in housing

Re: “Creative California plan to avoid post-pandemic evictions” (Editorial,, May 15):

If you think we have a housing crisis now, just wait until state officials put the rent relief repayment plan in place.

If you make it economically unfeasible for landlords to invest in housing for tenants, then the COVID-19 will look like a “walk in the park.”

As “mom-and-pop” landlords, we depend on rental income to pay the mortgage, property taxes, income taxes, insurance, HOA dues, repairs and manager fees necessary to provide our tenants with decent housing.

Those who invest millions in housing for tenants will also bail out of providing housing if you make it a liability to build and provide housing.

Are state leaders going to have the now homeless tenant live with them? Rethink what you’re doing.

Jack and Sharon Martorella
Walnut Creek

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