"Consumers picked up on the exclusive and specialty nature of these products,"​ said lead researcher of the study, Allison Brown, a food science doctoral candidate in Penn State’s International Agriculture and Development dual-title degree program.

The study​ ​is one of the first to research what consumers find to be desirable attributes when purchasing craft chocolate bars, said lead researcher Allison Brown, food science doctoral candidate in the college's International Agriculture and Development dual-title degree program.

"The US craft chocolate market is estimated to be worth $100m and growing​," Brown said. In 2018, The Fine Chocolate Industry Association (FCIA)  stated that there were over 300 craft chocolate* makers, most of which are located in the US.

According to a National Confectioners Association (NCA) analysis of sales performance of chocolate from March 15, 2020 to August 9, 2020, premium chocolate sales in the grocery channel were up 21.4% year on year, outpacing the rest of the candy category which increased by 16.6% over the same time period.

"However, many companies are small startups with few employees. They do not have marketing teams to guide their brand strategies. Our findings will help them make decisions that could have a large impact on their businesses."

The research did not receive any industry sponsorship and was supported by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Federal Appropriations under Project PEN04624 and Accession number 1013412.