
Biden the most exciting thing 2020 — not: Letters - Press-Enterprise

I chuckled when I read Susan Stann’s comments in letters Dec. 16 regarding the election confirmation of affectionate Joe Biden as being the best event in 2020.

You have to wonder how Joe earned millions of dollars since he left office.

It is hard to imagine that someone that could not fill a drive-in theater would amass 80 million votes.

Now Joe wants unity. I think not. For four years, the Democrats attacked President Trump and his family. Let’s treat Joe Biden as President Trump was treated.

— Patrick Flaherty, Beaumont

Why are some non-essential businesses closed while others stay open?

A few days ago I received the following imminent sever alert on my phone from the State of California: “New public health stay at home order in your area. COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. Stay home except for essential activity.”

All non-essential businesses in the Inland Empire are suffering and are forced to close by order of Gov. Newsom except for a major business which is probably the most non-essential business in the Inland Empire; San Manuel Casino. I realize that Newsom has no authority to close the casino but it seems that the Tribal members of the casino would do the right thing.

— Dave Van Buren, Highland

Ken Calvert wrong to join Texas lawsuit

Re “Calvert among Republicans backing election results challenge” (Dec.11):

Thank you  for informing your readers that our congressman, Ken Calvert, joined the Texas lawsuit that our Supreme Court dismissed.

I wished that this newspaper would publish the names of the almost 100 Republican congressmen who supported this failed lawsuit.

By his actions Ken Calvert has shown us the betrayal of his oath of office to represent his constituents and honor and defend the constitution of our great nation.

Shame on you, Ken Calvert.

— Christina Waaijenberg Miller, Riverside

People should follow the science on vaccine

Re “Will you take the Covid-19 vaccine?” (Letters, Dec. 15):

We have a vaccine.

Taking it is supported by the science and common sense.

Unfortunately, many people will not take it, or not get the second shot.

The logistics to get all vaccinated will not be perfect, but the alternative is a guarantee that COVID-19 will be with us long enough to create personal, social, financial and economic destruction, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Let common sense, logic and the science be our guide.

— Daryl D. Hansen, Murrieta 

Lessons from Japanese internment camps

While reading your editorial recounting of the events of the Japanese internment camps of World War II, I’m reminded of the quick recovery of those who lost not only those years, but from all accounts, virtually all their property.

Since I am close friends with one who lived in one of those camps in Colorado, I have learned about how quickly Japanese families not only rebounded but went on to prosper.

It might be well advised for many in our society to study the ways and means these families used to succeed against all odds.

This stands in stark contrast to many these days who blame the government and the rest of citizenry for their economic disadvantages.

Those who rely on government for their daily bread will remain forever in bondage to same.

— Jim Jernigan, Walnut

Call for  more Inland Empire letter writers

Readers are encouraged to send in letters with their views on issues in the Inland Empire and around the state, nation and world.

Letters to the editor should be 150-200 words, and ideally focused on the issues of the day.

Send your thoughts to

If they are well-written, we will certainly get them into the paper.

— The editors.

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Biden the most exciting thing 2020 — not: Letters - Press-Enterprise
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